Individual Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) Projects
ESR 1 - University of Barcelona
Obtaining robust new HD models in vitro to interrogate how neuronal system is altered in HD using human models; demonstration of how the neuronal circuitry is affected in the HD model by optogenetic stimulation of different brain areas; and showing whether or not neuronal activity may functionally restore neuronal activity in HD.
ESR 2 - Cardiff University
Longitudinal analysis of co-cultures through the stages of HD neuronal development, maturation and degeneration will identify functional deficits in HD microglia to (i) modulate neuronal development and functional activity and (ii) react to neurite degeneration and neuronal death. Insight into mechanisms of microglial dysfunction in HD and identification of genes and pathways as candidates for therapeutic intervention.
ESR 3 - Karolinska Institute
To obtain a PD-on-chip system that can be useful to analyse PD progression and putative therapeutic strategies in a robust human in vitro model; to analyse the effect of neuronal activity from striatal afferences on PD disease progression and severity.
ESR 4 - San Raffaele Hospital
Developing a reliable and efficient protocol to reprogram adult human fibroblasts and peripheral blood cells into DA neurons with robust functional activities and test its efficacy in converting PD patient somatic cells for a predictive in vitro disease modelling.
ESR 5 - Autonomous University of Madrid
Enlargement of present minibrains while reducing necrosis in large 3D tissues; provide spatial, regional, patterning to the enlarged tissue constructs to prospectively guide differentiation into forebrain and midbrain structures; understanding the effect of electrical and neuronal activity during development of human neural tissue.
ESR 6 - Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya
To get a reproducible Neural-Connection-on-a-Chip model adapted to model different neuronal disorders; to get a complex Brain-on-a-Chip model for more complex neuronal disorders; validate the platform with a deep study of the drug therapy efficiency in ND models.
ESR 7 - Poietis
Definition of initial printing conditions (cells, spheroids and matrix) and cells behaviour post-printing; bioprinting of cells, spheroids, factors and biomaterials into a complex 3D structure; conception and 3D printing of cerebral organoids – combination with microfluidic and/or optogenetic techniques.
ESR 8 - Plasticell
Protocols will be developed that differentially specify dopamine D1 and D2 receptor MSNs (representing the two major subclasses of MSNs) and protocols that enable expansion and banking of MSN progenitors without loss of specification. Functional properties of hPSC-derived D1R and D2R MSNs will be characterised in co-cultures models with hPSC derived dopaminergic neurons.
ESR 9 - Technical University of Dresden
To set-up an in vivo model that promotes brain recovery from endogenous neural stem cells.
ESR 10 - Technical University of Dresden
Generation of inducible mouse line and cellular characterization of OPC proliferation; establishment of mouse model of diseases and testing recovery from OPC.
ESR 11 - University of Barcelona
Obtain a neural subpopulation in vitro that can regenerate striatal areas; to improve regeneration and mouse functional behaviour by PSC transplant; to increase survival and differentiation of PSCs in vivo by co-transplants of cells and scaffolds.
ESR 12 - Cardiff University
This project will provide precise connectivity hPSCs compared to gold standard hGE transplants which will be essential for optimisation of hPSC differentiation and transplantation protocols for eventual application in patients with HD. In addition, TVA/rabies glycoprotein cell lines will provide a valuable tool for tracing experiments for a variety of target cell types.
ESR 13 - San Raffaele Hospital
Setting a methodology defining the transcription factor combination and the viral delivery system to target the brain glial cells and convert them into functional iDA neurons. Test this approach in MPTP-treated animals to evaluate the therapeutic potential of the in vivo reprogrammed iDA neurons.
ESR 14 - Autonomous University of Madrid
To select a specific progenitor/precursor subpopulation that differentiate into DAergic neurons and stablish connections with host in vivo; to develop a transplantable scaffold aimed at enhancing SN-Striatal connectivity.